Sabtu, 13 Juni 2009

Earn Money with

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mGinger is the first of its kind opt-in permission-based mobile marketing platform in India.

mGinger is a service providing targeted advertisements on mobile phones. The advertisements are targeted on a consumer base who have opted-in to this service. The consumer base is built through a registration process in which the consumers specify their commercial interests, maximum number of ads they would like to receive in a day, convenient time-slots and their demographic information. Apart from getting information related to their particular interests, the consumers also receive monetary incentives for every ad they themselves receive and for each ad received in their network upto two levels of referrals.

Advertisers leverage the service to search for and select consumers based on their commercial interests, location, demographics and other criteria and send specific advertisements to their target audience. And all this without the fear of incurring even a single consumer's wrath. The mGinger platform solves critical problems like content composition, cost of campaign and return on investment measurability for advertisers.

How did it all start? started when Veerendra Shivhare (COO) annoyed by the deluge of spam messages every day, hit upon the idea of targeted advertising. Registering on DNC is one way to save one self from SPAM advertisements, but what about the information that you really want to read and get to know about?

His alternative: Register with mGinger, submit a mobile number, choose the categories that you wish to receive ads about, and specify the number of ads and the time they ought to be sent and you can keep your self informed on the move! But how do we get the consumer profiles updated? Simple: provide an incentive which will keep pulling the consumers back to the website!

And so, it started...

What next?

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